


HTMixer is a Static HTML page generator. This tool can combine different pages and add content to them. Each content can be specific to one or more templates. This tool is written in C language and can be used for any file, but customized for Github Pages.


Use htmixer for mix Doc and Var files.

Usage :
htmixer OUTPUT_FILE -v VAR -d DOC

Example :
> htmixer OUTPUT_FILE.html -v VAR1.txt VAR2.txt -d HEAD.html BODY.html FOOTER.html

Variable & Loop.

Variable defined in var folder,but Loops defined in doc folder close to HTML files.


Variables that are set in the var folder are replaced in the doc folder.

Example set variable home.txt :
{{PAGE-TITLE   HTMixer}}

Example use variable home.html :


Loops set in doc To repeat its internal code.
If the internal code use Variable, the Variable rename by loop counter.
For example [ VAR -> VAR-0 , VAR-1 , VAR-2 , ... , VAR-N ].

Example home.html :
//5 Times from 0 to 4

//5 Times from 5 to 1

//2 Times from 1 to 2


Generator use Make for running commands in the Makefile.

Generate :
> make

In default the generated file stored in gh-pages folder, in head of Makefile you can changes the output folder.


Deployment use ghp-import for Github Pages or use Github actions deploy pages for automation generate and deployment.

Deployment using ghp-import : (commented in Makefile)
> make deploy

You can add CNAME by editing Deploy command in Makefile.

Deployment using Github actions: Example .



This tool supports interdependent variables up to five steps.

{{VAR1 You?}}
{{VAR2 Are {{VAR1}}}}
{{VAR3 How {{VAR2}}}}
VAR3 = How Are You?


It is also allowed tree Nested loop.


Also it is available to skip add counter number by using # at end of name variable.


First value in loop parametr can be a variable.

Example for blog post:
{{FOR({{POST-COUNT}},0,-1) {{POST}} }}


keep in mind that '{{' and '}}' is a key command and should be used together!

If you want to use it, you have to type a space immediately after it '{{SPACE' , so as not to be confused with variables. Do not worry about space, because it does not affect the output. and finally, do not forget his friend! '}}'

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